FREE Website Help

If you are a hula group who does NOT have a website, yet and NEED help, write me:

I am going to help you start your own website, FREE of charge!

You can create a Facebook PAGE, but if you don't want to do that....

Here's what you need:

  1. Account with
  2. Class or Group Information (group/halau name, contact name, email, ph #, address, etc)
  3. Prospective website domain names that are NOT taken. Example:
  4. A credit card to buy a domain name on which costs about $10-$20, depending on promotional sale. (You will have to do this part on your own. I don't want your credit card info ;-)
  5. TEMPORARY password and ID for and

Optional: Performance photo(s), video(s) (like on youtube), facebook page url.

Why am I doing this? This is partially a hobby of mine and I think EVERY hula dancer group should have a site. I may not get your website finished overnight, but you will at least have something within a few weeks.

**This is just a starter website that you can alter and add to in the future. This should introduce your company to the WORLD!

**I am only working with Blogger website accounts right now. They are very user-friendly once you are more familiar with the interface. There are more technical reasons, but I don't want to flood this post with too much tech jargon.

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