Party Planning sites

Gig Masters, Gig Salad, Gathering Guide, Party Pop and the like are missing a TON of professional hula groups in the US!

FREE Website Help

If you are a hula group who does NOT have a website, yet and NEED help, write me:

I am going to help you start your own website, FREE of charge!

You can create a Facebook PAGE, but if you don't want to do that....

Here's what you need:

  1. Account with
  2. Class or Group Information (group/halau name, contact name, email, ph #, address, etc)
  3. Prospective website domain names that are NOT taken. Example:
  4. A credit card to buy a domain name on which costs about $10-$20, depending on promotional sale. (You will have to do this part on your own. I don't want your credit card info ;-)
  5. TEMPORARY password and ID for and

Optional: Performance photo(s), video(s) (like on youtube), facebook page url.

Why am I doing this? This is partially a hobby of mine and I think EVERY hula dancer group should have a site. I may not get your website finished overnight, but you will at least have something within a few weeks.

**This is just a starter website that you can alter and add to in the future. This should introduce your company to the WORLD!

**I am only working with Blogger website accounts right now. They are very user-friendly once you are more familiar with the interface. There are more technical reasons, but I don't want to flood this post with too much tech jargon.

Hula-News Examiner (California)

"Brenda has danced, sung and lived Polynesian culture almost all of her life. She's seen the impact the culture has had globally, and feels it's time to share her thoughts and experiences. Please contact her at:" - Hula-News Examiner

"I'm a writer/reporter for POLYNESIAN EVENTS in and around Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego Counties. Send me information on ANYTHING Polynesian (show, concert, competition, your halau, etc.) and we'll feature and publish it on!"

I like this site. It is pretty comprehensive, but it's a little difficult (a strain on the eyes and migraine in the head) to navigate because of the artsy font and all the photo icons which don't work on my computer sometimes. The site has halaus and dance groups without links, too :-/